For those, who seek support

I am helping young women, mothers and parents to find their resources and feel the joy in life again.

Psychology counselling

When you are coming to me, you often need to change something in your life or your relationships. You lack space for yourself, you are stressed or you need to orient yourself in what makes you happy and what you want to do more. You may feel that you need something more in your life, maybe you're looking for inner satisfaction, or an improvement in your relationship with yourself.

I will create a space for you where we can explore all your needs. We will try to map the situation from different angles and help you orientate yourself in what you need, what you want to improve or what you can do for yourself.

The main topic of our cooperation can change over time. It only depends on you what you want to achieve and whether you prefer short-term or long-term cooperation and support.

You may feel the same way right now:

  • you are exhausted, overworked and do not feelthe joy of life
  • you are seeking the path in which you want to continue in your life
  • you're not content in your relationships and you desire change
  • you experience anxiety or fear and it prevents you from doing the things you desire
  • or maybe you are bright, powerful and successful, but you need to slow down and you don't know how
  • You are unfulfilled, tired and looking for a space for yourself within your family and child care
  • you are encountering challenging life situations and need someone to support you
  • you care for others too much and you lack vitality and energy for yourself
  • you are preparing for the birth of your baby and you experience fear or anxiety
online konzultace psycholožka brno

How does our cooperation start?

If you want to contact me, you can call me or send me a message from the web. After the initial telephone or email contact we will arrange the first meeting.

This introductory consultation is non-binding.

It serves to describe to me your issues, wishes and goals for psychological counselling. You have the opportunity to get to know me and find out how I work as a psychologist. We will discuss the details of our cooperation together and, if you wish, we will arrange another session.

In the beginning, we can plan out a smaller number of appointments, for example, 3 consultations. After these sessions you can decide, whether you want or need to continue seeing me. 

psychologist brno in english

How the consultation goes and how much it costs

Meetings take place in one week or two-week intervals.

Price of the session in English is 1000 Kč per hour.

Consultations can happen in my office, online or on a walk outside (after previous agreement). I speak Czech, Slovak and English.

About me

psycholog pro ženy Brno online poradenství

Before I opened my private practice I worked as a school psychologist for more then 4 years. My clients in the elementary school were children over six years old and their parents. I also worked in the non-profit organization Persefona that supports victims of domestic and sexual violence as a counseling psychologist.

My second main focus was support for pregnant women. I am a certified doula a několik let jsem doprovázela klientky a jejich partnery k porodu. Věnovala jsem se přípravě rodičů na porod a šestinedělí, pracovala se ženami po náročném předchozím porodu nebo s matkami, které zažívají nejistotou v šestinedělí a u kojení. V současnosti už k porodům páry nedoprovázím, věnuji se naplno psychologické praxi.

V současnosti jsem frekventantkou výcviku v Biosyntetické psychoterapii.

Pocházím sice ze Slovenska, na Jižní moravě však už bydlím přes 10 let. Ve volném čase nejraději maluji, velmi ráda čtu knihy, sportuji, věnuji se svým květinám, užívám si kávové chvilky a objevuji krásy Jižní Moravy.

dětský poradensky psycholog brno

How we can meet and what I offer

Introductory consultation

At our first consultation, we will have the opportunity to get to know each other. You will get to know me, understand the way I work and see if we are a good fit. You can describe the topics you want to address and briefly talk about what you've been through so far. Your expectations and wishes will be essential for creating the framework of our cooperation. 

If you have any questions, doubts, or if you'll be talking to a psychologist for the first time, we will dedicate enough time for all the things you need to discuss to feel safe.

After this consultation, you can decide if you want to work with me. We can arrange several sessions, after which we will evaluate how you like our cooperation and how you want to continue.

Personal consulation

Nejběžnější způsob, jak se můžeme potkat a věnovat se Vašim tématům je osobní setkání. Konzultace zpravidla trvá 50 – 60 minut.

Nejčastěji klienti chodí 1 x týdně nebo 1 x za 14 dní.

psychologist brno in english

When you say you feel weak and exhausted, I hear that you've had to deal with so much for so long!

Find a place where you can be with yourself for a while. So you don't have to hold it all together.

I am here for you

online psycholog psychologička psychologist

Support for women

Are you trying to find yourself? Are you a highly sensitive person? Do you need support for big life decisions or your professional direction? Do you look for a sense of your journey?

Maybe you want to get over some issues in your relationships?

You may not have much faith in yourself and you know that it limits your potential. Or you are beginning to feel the need to define yourself and establish your boundaries.

psycholožka osobní rozvoj pro ženy online brno

For pregnant women and mothers

Even though pregnancy is the most beautiful period for some women, it does not only come with pleasant moments.

It is also quite common for women to experience fear, anxiety and difficulty to cope with unexpected decisions and situations.

I can help you find peace again, gather support in your area and orient yourself in the various scenarios that may await you.

Postpartum support is significant in helping you find a new balance between the woman you were and the mother you became.

Schedule an appointment

You can send me a message here

You can also call me and arrange first consultation 

And suddenly she found a capacity to immerse herself deep in her soul and be the woman she always knew she could become.